Monday, August 8, 2011

UNBEATABLE Number Puzzles Revealed

Unbeatable , yeah right...

So, if you happen to read my last post:Mathmagic : Simple yet tricky, i asked you how to solve three uncanny math puzzle. So as promise this is the answer..check it out. well Some of you already figured it out.

1. 5 + 5 + 5 = 550

Question: Add 1 line to this equation to make it true. 

Answer:    |

Just put a diagonal line on the plus sign.


Question: Use ONE number, use it three time to add up the total 60.
Example: 20+20+20=60
remember the question. USE it three time.


Question: Using all this symbol and number, make a true equation. Can only use once for each number & symbol
Example: 23+4=5(this is false equation)

So, did you guys guess it right? It's just so simple but so TRICKY.
I suppose this is why they called it math trick. 
There are lots of trick on scamschool, many of them is damn cool. So check out the video and maybe browse their other trick video.

Don't forget to check out real demon

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